On My Bedside Table is a book review series that wants to make sure that the best books are read over and over again.
D’Sozo, Dave Fiedler (2000).
I’ll be honest, when it comes to reading, I’m terrible. It took me years to complete the Great Controversy, and I’m still working on some other major Adventist books. So, when I first picked up D’Sozo, I wasn’t optimistic about my capability to complete it. I was right…my first attempt failed miserably.
Several months later and there I was, sitting down and asking myself: “Surely, there’s something more to this?” You see, for the last few years, I’ve been somewhat involved in various ministries and, as a result, had many questions. Questions like “How is health linked with the work of the gospel?”, “Why does no one (a slight exaggeration) know about medical missionary work?”,
“What is medical missionary work even about? Surely more than just knowing good herbs, right?” To my busy mind, full of questions, the book D’Sozo was just what I needed.
Dave Fiedler, the author of D’Sozo, is a “quirky” writer. Well, maybe “quirky” isn’t the best word to use, but reading this book felt like Dave was sitting next to me telling his stories. I actually met Dave, and he speaks in a similar manner to which he writes. Cool, right? A favourite quote of mine, which illustrates Dave’s writing style, is:
“The best place to start is always at the beginning. That’s what the Bible does in Genesis. And in John… but these two are two different “beginnings”. We’ll be starting at the beginning, too, but we’re going to yet another “beginning.””
I don’t know about you, but, for me, that got me thinking!
D’Sozo is an attempt to lift the work of medical mission to a higher status by showing how God is trying to get this work going (illustrated through historical accounts, whilst at the same time attempting to demonstrate how medical missionary work and even contributes to solving the mess (or, in Dave’s words, “lie”) that Satan made in heaven and on earth. The first few chapters are a retelling of God dealing with Lucifer in a way that I’ve never really seen before.
Although at times it can be difficult to follow, and, if you are no history lover, you may have to grit your teeth now and then, this book gives amazing answers (that you probably have never thought about). More importantly, it asks key questions that really helped me to decide to dedicate myself to a life of service.
One book down, maybe a few more to go?
Adam Hazel has a love-hate relationship to reading, but he’s working on it.
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